Kin Fusion Kitchen
Bad Saarow 2023
The Kin Fusion Kitchen restaurant in Bad Saarow is a true gem that offers a unique dining experience. From the moment one step inside, one is welcomed by an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication. The restaurant’s design showcases dove blue built-in cabinets that beautifully complement the textured wallpapers. The bespoke seating area is equally stunning, with dove blue lacquered wood boards, mustard yellow upholstery, and exquisite brass details, that perfectly complement each other.
To further enhance the dining experience, the design features room dividers made of textured estriado glass, which not only provide ample privacy but also add an intimate touch. The bar area is equally impressive, boasting a brass and grey counter that serves as the focal point of the space. The combination of these two materials results in a modern and sophisticated design, showcasing the timeless elegance of brass alongside the contemporary appeal of terrazzo. Overall, the design of Kin Fusion Kitchen Restaurant is visually striking while providing supreme comfort to its guests.
TEAM Rocco Spena, Patrick Batek
COMPLETION February 2023
AREA 220 sqm
SCOPE of work LP 1-9
MATERIALS MDF lacquered, terrazzo, velvet, brass, estriado glass